Bubble mailers are mailing bags that have lightweight cushioning on them for shipping purposes. These mailers have a bubble lining that protects the documents or anything that is enclosed inside it while on transit. Because of its lightweight structure, bubble mailers are one of the most cost-effective ways of mailing your stuff. A lot of packaging companies are switching to these bubble mailers for safer transit. Since, other mailers aren’t as light weighted, cost-effective, and keeps the things enclosed absolutely damage free, it proves to be the perfect mailer.
So, what are the features of these uniquely designed bubble mailers?
- Light weight: These Bubble mailers are extremely light weight because of its line of padding. These mailers are padded with air cushions, making it very effective for shipping purposes. Since the mailers don’t add up to the total weight, it allows in to send more stuff.
- Cost effective: Shipping can get really expensive since it needs a lot of careful handling. And if the shipping has to be done to a farther distance then it becomes even more expensive. But bubble mailers are a blessing for such shipping purposes. Because of such lightweight padding, these bubble mailers don’t add up to the total weight of the bulk, and hence no extra charge is required. Heavier mailers add up to the cost of shipping to quite an extent.
- Shock absorbent: Bubble mailers are great shock absorbents. Because of the lining of air cushions, bubble mailers can absorb shock while its on transit. Usually a lot of bulk go in together while shipping, which leads to manhandling, but these bubble makers make sure that the things enclosed inside are absolutely protected and are not destroyed in any way possible.
- Various options: Bubble mailers are available in various different types. From white bubble mailers, to craft bubble mailers, to decorative bubble mailers and not to forget white poly bubble mailers. All different kinds can be found to fulfil your particular requirements.
- Strong Adhesive: The adhesive provided on the seal of the bubble mailers is extremely strong and wouldn’t crack open no matter what. The adhesive is strong enough to bear the exertion of a long transit, keeping the things enclosed absolutely safe and damage free even through the roughest deliveries possible.
- Easy Labelling: The surface of these bubble mailers are very smooth and proper. This helps in writing over the surface of the bubble mailer. There will be no hassle whatsoever in writing the name, address, or anything as such on these bubble mailers. Labelling these mailers is very easy.
Switching to these bubble mailers are going to be one of the smartest decisions you make for your mailing purposes. With so many amazing features these bubble mailers are the cheapest and the best alternative to your ordinary mailers. It’s always better to be cautious beforehand, and put your important documents, papers, or certificates in these cheap bubble mailers for a safer and hassle-free delivery.