35 lb Digital Postal Scale

35 lb Digital Postal Scale

55 lb Digital Postal Scale

55 lb Digital Postal Scale

75 lb Digital Postal Scale

75 lb Digital Postal Scale

150 lb Industrial Bench Scale

150 lb Industrial Bench Scale

330 lb Industrial Bench Scale

330 lb Industrial Bench Scale

5000lb x 1lb floor scale

5000lb x 1lb floor scale

10,000lb x 1lb floor scale

10,000lb x 1lb floor scale

Saga Basic Digital Postal Scales

Saga Basic Digital Postal Scales

36 LB Digital Postal Scale

36 LB Digital Postal Scale

66 LB Digital Postal Scale

66 LB Digital Postal Scale

76 LB Digital Postal Scale

76 LB Digital Postal Scale

Saga Pro Digital Postal Scales

Saga Pro Digital Postal Scales

Saga Kuattis Shipping Scale

Saga Kuattis Shipping Scale

Triple Beam Scale

Triple Beam Scale

Saga Digital Bench Jewelry Scale

Saga Digital Bench Jewelry Scale

Saga Digital Gold Jewelry Scale

Saga Digital Gold Jewelry Scale

Saga Floor Scales

Saga Floor Scales


What is a postal scale?

Postal scale and Shipping scale are multi-functional for weighing in myriads of applications. These postal scale and shipping scale help you perform daily and routine weighing tasks at work quickly and accurately. These are perfect for postal applications such as mailrooms, offices and warehouses, shipping departments and retail parcel stores.

How can postal scale and shipping scale be helpful?

There are so many advantages that come along with Valuemailers’ postal scale and shipping scale. The foremost being, seed and accuracy. Postal scales enhance productivity and make weighing an easy task for operators, They are easily connected to PCs and system with array of options for connectivity, including serial, USB, virtual serial, keyword wedge, Ethernet and Bluetooth.

Types of Postal and Shipping scale:

At Valuemailers, we offer each and every kind of Post and Shipping scale that meet your needs. Our postal and shipping scale ranges from Digital Postal Scale to Industrial Bench Scale to Saga Basic and pro digital scale to Saga Bathroom Scale to Saga Digital Bench Jewelry scale  and many more. Each bearing distinguished properties. For instance, our Digital Gold Jewelry scale can be used as a portable scale; it has large backlighted LCD helps you to take clear readings. It”s even capable for professional measurements.

So, at ValueMailers, we have every kind of postal and shipping scale, best suited for your business and needs.

Some common properties of Postal Scale and Shipping scale:

  1. Easy to install
  2. Easy to relocate
  3. All-Structural-Steel construction
  4. Optional Internal Rechargeable Battery.
How to use postal and shipping scale?

These postal and shipping scale are very easy to use as they are designed keeping in mind the demands of a fast-paced shipping environment in mind. Built to withstand weight and even, overload, these postal and shipping scale give your business a much needed push and let your staff work efficiently and effectively.

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    Saga 1000gx0.1 oz Digital Jewelry Scale